Case Studies

Our expert staff and unique framework provide painless next-generation DevOps tools and processes. Here are a few stories about what we've done.

When zyBooks began experiencing consistent issues with AWS Elastic Beanstalk, the engineering team explored ways to bolster reliability. zyBooks explored hiring an engineer to fill the gap. Yet, with seasonal demand spikes, they couldn’t justify hiring a full-time DevOps engineer. Plus, finding someone proficient in both Kubernetes and AWS proved challenging.
Fandor identified the performance improvements and efficiencies they were looking to gain, then decided to make a radical change from a monolithic application infrastructure to a containerized infrastructure. They wanted to go with Kubernetes, but weren’t sure how to pull it off. The solution was to hire ReactiveOps.
icitizen needed a solution fast, as issues included parts of development and staging being down and concerns with getting new code into prod while not incurring downtime. Google pointed them to ReactiveOps as the right resource to assist the team.
Park Assist wanted to make management of their intricate network design as effective as possible. They wanted ReactiveOps to position their production and development environments, improve scaling and continue to improve config management efficiencies for all components of their infrastructure.
Boxed had an inconsistent infrastructure with problematic security rules and only partial automation with many manual processes. They wanted ReactiveOps to stabilize their infrastructure, decrease vulnerabilities and provide highly reliable 24/7 support.
PipelineDeals has people who understand infrastructure and their systems were already in a relatively solid place when they approached ReactiveOps. But their engineers knew there was room for DevOps improvement.
When Betterment approached ReactiveOps it was to help with an architecture project they had been wanting to tackle for some time. When they initially migrated to AWS from Rackspace they had created and built their entire infrastructure on a single VPC.